The mip_dmp.qt5
subpackage contains sub-packages and modules for PySide2 UI components of the MIP Dataset Mapper.
Module that defines the class dedicated to the main window of the MIP Dataset Mapper UI application.
- class mip_dmp.qt5.components.dataset_mapper_window.MIPDatasetMapperWindow(mainWindow)[source]
Class for the main window of the MIP Dataset Mapper UI application.
- adjustWindow(mainWindow)[source]
Adjust the window size, Qt Style Sheet, and title.
- mainWindowQMainWindow
The main window of the application.
- createComponents(mainWindow)[source]
Create the UI components.
- mainWindowQMainWindow
The main window of the application.
- createToolBar(mainWindow)[source]
Create the tool bar.
- mainWindowQMainWindow
The main window of the application.
- createInputDatasetComponents(mainWindow)[source]
Create the components of the input dataset group box.
- mainWindowQMainWindow
The main window of the application.
- createTargetCDEsComponents(mainWindow)[source]
Create the components of the target CDEs group box.
- mainWindowQMainWindow
The main window of the application.
- createMappingComponents(mainWindow)[source]
Create the components of the mapping group box.
- mainWindowQMainWindow
The main window of the application.
- createMappingTableRowViewComponents()[source]
Create the components of the mapping table row editor group box.
- adjustWidgetsAndLayouts()[source]
Add widgets to the layouts of the UI elements.
- connectButtons()[source]
Connect the buttons to their corresponding functions.
- embeddingViz()[source]
Open the embedding visualization window.
- matchingViz()[source]
Open the matching visualization window.
- addMappingTableRow()[source]
Add a row to the mapping table.
- deleteMappingTableRow()[source]
Delete the selected row from the mapping table.
- initializeMappingEditForm(index)[source]
Initialize the mapping row editor form with the data of the selected row.
- indexQModelIndex
The index of the selected row in the mapping table.
- updateMappingEditForm(index)[source]
Update the mapping table row form for a given index.
- indexQModelIndex
The index of the selected row to be updated in the mapping table.
- updateMappingTableRow()[source]
Update the selected row of the mapping table with the data of the form.
- loadInputDataset()[source]
Load the input dataset.
- loadCDEsFile()[source]
Load the CDEs file.
- loadMapping()[source]
Load the mapping file.
- saveMapping()[source]
Save the mapping file.
- disableMappingMapButtons()[source]
Disable the check / save / load mapping and map buttons.
- disableMappingInitItems()[source]
Disable the mapping initialization items.
- enableMappingInitItems()[source]
Enable the mapping initialization items.
- enableMappingButtons()[source]
Enable the check / save / load mapping and map buttons.
- disableMappingComponents()[source]
Disable the mapping components.
- enableMappingComponents()[source]
Enable the mapping components.
- checkMapping()[source]
Check the content of the mapping table.
This function checks if:
The mapping table contains unique mapping to a specific CDE code.
The mapping contains only valid CDE codes.
The mapping transform is correctly formatted.
- initMapping()[source]
Initialize an empty column/CDEs mapping table.
- mappingMatch()[source]
Initialize the column/CDEs mapping based on fuzzy word matching and character embedding methods.
- selectOutputFilename()[source]
Select the output filename.
- updateStatusbar(message)[source]
Update the statusbar with the given message.
- map()[source]
Map the input dataset to the target CDEs.
- centralWidgetGridLayout
- centralWidgetSplitter
- centralwidget
- columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox
- columnsCDEsMappingGroupBoxLayout
- columnsCDEsMappingSplitter
- inputDatasetFormLayout
- inputDatasetFormLayoutWidget
- inputDatasetGroupBox
- inputDatasetGroupBoxLayout
- inputDatasetLoadButton
- inputDatasetPathLabel
- inputDatasetTableView
- leftCentralWidgetSplitter
- mapButton
- mappingFilePathLabel
- mappingFormLayout
- mappingFormLayoutWidget
- mappingLoadButton
- mappingSaveButton
- mappingCheckButton
- mappingTableView
- outputDirectoryLabel
- outputDirectorySelectButton
- outputFilenameLabel
- outputFilenameSelectButton
- outputFormLayout
- outputFormLayoutWidget
- outputGroupBox
- outputGroupBoxLayout
- rightCentralWidgetSplitter
- targetCDEsFormLayout
- targetCDEsFormLayoutWidget
- targetCDEsGroupBox
- targetCDEsGroupBoxLayout
- targetCDEsLoadButton
- targetCDEsPathLabel
- targetCDEsTableView
- inputDatasetPath
- inputDataset
- inputDatasetColumns
- inputDatasetPandasModel
- targetCDEsPath
- targetCDEs
- targetCDEsPandasModel
- mappingFilePath
- columnsCDEsMappingData
- columnsCDEsMappingPandasModel
- mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBox
- mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBoxLayout
- mappingRowIndex
- mappingTableViewWidget
- mappingTableViewLayout
- mappingTableViewAddDeleteRowWidget
- mappingTableViewAddDeleteRowLayout
- mappingTableViewAddRowButton
- mappingTableViewDeleteRowButton
- datasetColumn
- cdeCode
- cdeType
- transformType
- transform
- matchedCdeCodes
- updateMappingRowButton
- outputDirectoryPath
- outputFilename
- statusbar
- toolBar
- mappingInitLabel
- initMatchingMethod
- mappingInitButton
- embeddingVizButton
- embeddingFigure
- embeddingWidget
- embeddingWidgetLayout
- embeddingCanvas
- inputDatasetColumnEmbeddings
- targetCDEsEmbeddings
- matchingVizButton
- matchingWidget
Module that defines the class dedicated to the widget that supports the visualization of the initial automated mapping matches via embedding.
- class mip_dmp.qt5.components.embedding_visualization_widget.WordEmbeddingVisualizationWidget(parent=None)[source]
Class for the widget that supports the visualization of the automated column / CDE code matches via embedding.
- adjustWindow()[source]
Adjust the window size, Qt Style Sheet, and title.
- mainWindowQMainWindow
The main window of the application.
- generate_embedding_figure()[source]
Generate 3D scatter plot showing dimensionality-reduced embedding vectors of the words.
- generate_embeddings(inputDatasetColumns: list, targetCDECodes: list, matchingMethod: str)[source]
Generate the embeddings of the columns and CDE codes.
Set the input dataset columns (
), the target CDE codes (self.targetCDECodes
), the input dataset column embeddings (self.inputDatasetColumnEmbeddings
) and the target CDE code embeddings (self.targetCDECodeEmbeddings
).The embeddings are generated using the specified matching method (
). The matching method can be “glove” or “chars2vec”.- inputDatasetColumns: list
List of the input dataset columns.
- targetCDECodes: list
List of the target CDE codes.
- matchingMethod: str
Matching method. Can be “glove” or “chars2vec”
- set_embeddings(inputDatasetColumnEmbeddings: list, inputDatasetColumns: list, targetCDECodeEmbeddings: list, targetCDECodes: list, matchedCdeCodes: dict, matchingMethod: str)[source]
Set the input dataset column and target CDE code embeddings.
- inputDatasetColumnEmbeddings: list
List of the input dataset column embeddings.
- inputDatasetColumns: list
List of the input dataset columns.
- targetCDECodeEmbeddings: list
List of the target CDE code embeddings.
- targetCDECodes: list
List of the target CDE codes.
- matchedCdeCodes: dict
Dictionary of the matched CDE codes in the form:
{ "input_dataset_column1": { "words": ["cde_code1", "cde_code2", ...], "embeddings": [embedding_vector1, embedding_vector2, ...] "distances": [distance1, distance2, ...] }, "input_dataset_column2": { "words": ["cde_code1", "cde_code2", ...], "embeddings": [embedding_vector1, embedding_vector2, ...] "distances": [distance1, distance2, ...] }, ... }
- matchingMethod: str
Matching method. Can be “glove” or “chars2vec”.
- set_matching_method(matchingMethod)[source]
Set the matching method.
- matchingMethod: str
Matching method. Can be “glove” or “chars2vec”
- set_word_list(wordList)[source]
Set the list of words that can be visualized in the 3D scatter plot.
- wordList: list
List of words to visualize in the 3D scatter plot
- set_wordcombobox_items(wordList)[source]
Set the items of the word combo box.
- wordList: list
List of words to visualize in the combo box of the widget that controls the selection of the word to visualize in the 3D scatter plot.
- staticMetaObject = <PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
Module that defines the class for the widget that supports the visualization of the distances obtained by the automated mapping matches for the n most similar CDE codes.
- class mip_dmp.qt5.components.matching_visualization_widget.MatchingVisualizationWidget(inputDatasetColumns=None, targetCDECodes=None, matchedCdeCodes=None, matchingMethod=None, parent=None)[source]
Class for the widget that supports the visualization of the distances / similarity measures obtained by the automated mapping matches for the n most similar CDE codes.
- adjustWindow()[source]
Adjust the window size, Qt Style Sheet, and title.
- mainWindowQMainWindow
The main window of the application.
- generate_heatmap_figure()[source]
Generate a heatmap figure with seaborn that shows the similarity / distance matrix of the input dataset columns and the target CDE codes.
- set_wordcombobox_items(wordList)[source]
Set the items of the word combo box.
- wordList: list
List of the words to add to the combo box.
- staticMetaObject = <PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
Module to describe Qt/PySide2 Table Models.
- class mip_dmp.qt5.model.table_model.NoEditorDelegate[source]
Class to define a custom item delegate with no editor.
- createEditor(parent, opt, index)[source]
Create the editor for the given index.
- staticMetaObject = <PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
- class mip_dmp.qt5.model.table_model.PandasTableModel(data)[source]
Qt Table Model for Pandas DataFrames.
- columnCount(index)[source]
Return the number of columns in the table.
- data(index, role)[source]
Return the data for the given index and role.
- flags(index)[source]
Return the flags for the given index.
- headerData(section, orientation, role)[source]
Return the header data for the given section.
- rowCount(index)[source]
Return the number of rows in the table.
- setData(index, value, role)[source]
Set the data for the given index and role.
- staticMetaObject = <PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
- class mip_dmp.qt5.model.table_model.QComboBoxDelegate(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Class to define a custom item delegate with QComboBox editor.
- createEditor(self, parent: PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget, option: PySide2.QtWidgets.QStyleOptionViewItem, index: PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex) PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget [source]
- setItems(items)[source]
- staticMetaObject = <PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject object>