Instructions for Developers

How to install mip_dmp locally


mip_dmp requires a Python environment with python>=3.9.

  1. Clone the original or your fork repository of mip_dmp and go to the clone directory:

    cd /path/to/directory/where/you/want/to/clone/mip_dmp
    git clone
    cd mip-dmp
  2. Install mip_dmp along with all dependencies:

    # Install main package dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    # Install dependencies for development, including dependencies
    # to lint/format the code and to test the package
    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
    # Install dependencies to build the documentation
    pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
    # Install mip_dmp in editable mode
    pip install -e .

How to build the documentation locally

  1. Install mip_dmp and its dependencies (see How to install mip_dmp locally).

  2. Go to the docs of the cloned repository and build the HTML documentation with make:

    cd docs
    make clean && make html

    The built HTML files of the documentation, including its main page (index.html), can be found in the docs/build/html directory, and can be opened in your favorite browser.


If you have made any changes in the mip_dmp docstrings, make sure to re-install mip_dmp prior to building the documentation by running pip install -e ..