mip_dmp.qt5.components.matching_visualization_widget module

Module that defines the class for the widget that supports the visualization of the distances obtained by the automated mapping matches for the n most similar CDE codes.

class mip_dmp.qt5.components.matching_visualization_widget.MatchingVisualizationWidget(inputDatasetColumns=None, targetCDECodes=None, matchedCdeCodes=None, matchingMethod=None, parent=None)[source]

Bases: QWidget

Class for the widget that supports the visualization of the distances / similarity measures obtained by the automated mapping matches for the n most similar CDE codes.


Adjust the window size, Qt Style Sheet, and title.



The main window of the application.


Generate a heatmap figure with seaborn that shows the similarity / distance matrix of the input dataset columns and the target CDE codes.


Set the items of the word combo box.


wordList: list

List of the words to add to the combo box.

staticMetaObject = <PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject object>