Source code for mip_dmp.qt5.components.dataset_mapper_window

# Copyright 2023 The HIP team, University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), Switzerland & Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Module that defines the class dedicated to the main window of the MIP Dataset Mapper UI application."""

# External imports
import ast
import os
import json
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
from PySide2.QtGui import QIcon
from PySide2.QtCore import Qt, QRect, QMetaObject, QCoreApplication, QSize
from PySide2.QtWidgets import (
import pkg_resources

# Internal imports
from import load_mapping_json
from mip_dmp.process.mapping import (
from mip_dmp.process.matching import (
    match_columns_to_cdes, match_column_to_cdes
from mip_dmp.qt5.model.table_model import (
    # NoEditorDelegate,
from mip_dmp.qt5.components.embedding_visualization_widget import (
from mip_dmp.qt5.components.matching_visualization_widget import (

# Constants
WINDOW_NAME = "MIP Dataset Mapper"
NB_KEPT_MATCHES = 819  # for all FERES variables

[docs]class MIPDatasetMapperWindow(object): """Class for the main window of the MIP Dataset Mapper UI application.""" __slots__ = [ "__weakref__", "centralWidgetGridLayout", "centralWidgetSplitter", "centralwidget", "columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox", "columnsCDEsMappingGroupBoxLayout", "columnsCDEsMappingSplitter", "inputDatasetFormLayout", "inputDatasetFormLayoutWidget", "inputDatasetGroupBox", "inputDatasetGroupBoxLayout", "inputDatasetLoadButton", "inputDatasetPathLabel", "inputDatasetTableView", "leftCentralWidgetSplitter", "mapButton", "mappingFilePathLabel", "mappingFormLayout", "mappingFormLayoutWidget", "mappingLoadButton", "mappingSaveButton", "mappingCheckButton", "mappingTableView", "outputDirectoryLabel", "outputDirectorySelectButton", "outputFilenameLabel", "outputFilenameSelectButton", "outputFormLayout", "outputFormLayoutWidget", "outputGroupBox", "outputGroupBoxLayout", "rightCentralWidgetSplitter", "targetCDEsFormLayout", "targetCDEsFormLayoutWidget", "targetCDEsGroupBox", "targetCDEsGroupBoxLayout", "targetCDEsLoadButton", "targetCDEsPathLabel", "targetCDEsTableView", "inputDatasetPath", "inputDataset", "inputDatasetColumns", "inputDatasetPandasModel", "targetCDEsPath", "targetCDEs", "targetCDEsPandasModel", "mappingFilePath", "columnsCDEsMappingData", "columnsCDEsMappingPandasModel", "mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBox", "mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBoxLayout", "mappingRowIndex", "mappingTableViewWidget", "mappingTableViewLayout", "mappingTableViewAddDeleteRowWidget", "mappingTableViewAddDeleteRowLayout", "mappingTableViewAddRowButton", "mappingTableViewDeleteRowButton", "datasetColumn", "cdeCode", "cdeType", "transformType", "transform", "matchedCdeCodes", "updateMappingRowButton", "outputDirectoryPath", "outputFilename", "statusbar", "toolBar", "mappingInitLabel", "initMatchingMethod", "mappingInitButton", "embeddingVizButton", "embeddingFigure", "embeddingWidget", "embeddingWidgetLayout", "embeddingCanvas", "inputDatasetColumnEmbeddings", "targetCDEsEmbeddings", "matchingVizButton", "matchingWidget", ] def __init__(self, mainWindow): """Initialize the main window of the MIP Dataset Mapper UI application. Parameters ---------- mainWindow : QMainWindow The main window of the application. """ # Adjust the window size, Qt Style Sheet, and title self.adjustWindow(mainWindow) # Create the UI components self.createComponents(mainWindow) # Create the tool bar self.createToolBar(mainWindow) # Add click listener functions to the Button elements self.connectButtons() # Add Widgets to the layouts self.adjustWidgetsAndLayouts() # Set the central widget mainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) # Set the status and tool bars mainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) mainWindow.addToolBar(self.toolBar) # Search recursively for all child objects of the given object, and # connect matching signals from them to slots of object QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(mainWindow) # Set the initial state of the UI where the save mapping and # map buttons are disabled self.disableMappingInitItems() self.disableMappingMapButtons() # Set the initial state of the UI where the mapping table and # the mapping row editor are disabled self.disableMappingComponents()
[docs] def adjustWindow(self, mainWindow): """Adjust the window size, Qt Style Sheet, and title. Parameters ---------- mainWindow : QMainWindow The main window of the application. """ if not mainWindow.objectName(): mainWindow.setObjectName(f"{WINDOW_NAME}") mainWindow.resize(1280, 720) # Set the window Qt Style Sheet styleSheetFile = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mip_dmp", os.path.join("qt5", "assets", "stylesheet.qss") ) with open(styleSheetFile, "r") as fh: mainWindow.setStyleSheet( # Set the window icon # mainWindow.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/mip_logo.png")) # Set the window title mainWindow.setWindowTitle( QCoreApplication.translate(f"{WINDOW_NAME}", f"{WINDOW_NAME}", None) )
[docs] def createComponents(self, mainWindow): """Create the UI components. Parameters ---------- mainWindow : QMainWindow The main window of the application. """ # Initialize the central widget self.centralwidget = QWidget(mainWindow) self.centralWidgetGridLayout = QGridLayout(self.centralwidget) # Initialize the different main splitters self.centralWidgetSplitter = QSplitter(Qt.Horizontal) self.leftCentralWidgetSplitter = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical) self.rightCentralWidgetSplitter = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical) # Initialize components of the input dataset group box (top left) self.createInputDatasetComponents(mainWindow) # Initialize components of the target CDEs group box (bottom left) self.createTargetCDEsComponents(mainWindow) # Initialize components of the columns CDEs mapping group box (top right) self.createMappingComponents(mainWindow) # Create the status bar self.statusbar = QStatusBar(mainWindow)
[docs] def createToolBar(self, mainWindow): """Create the tool bar. Parameters ---------- mainWindow : QMainWindow The main window of the application. """ # Initialize the tool bar self.toolBar = QToolBar() self.toolBar.setIconSize(QSize(48, 48)) self.toolBar.setFloatable(True) # Add the load dataset / CDE file buttons to the tool bar inputDatasetToolLabel = QLabel("1. Source Dataset:") inputDatasetToolLabel.setStyleSheet( "QLabel { font-weight: bold; color: #222222;}" ) self.toolBar.addWidget(inputDatasetToolLabel) self.toolBar.addAction(self.inputDatasetLoadButton) # Add a spacer to the tool bar spacer = QWidget() spacer.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.toolBar.addWidget(spacer) # Add a separator to the tool bar self.toolBar.addSeparator() # Add the load target CDEs file button to the tool bar targetCDEsToolLabel = QLabel("2. Target Schema:") targetCDEsToolLabel.setStyleSheet( "QLabel { font-weight: bold; color: #222222;}" ) self.toolBar.addWidget(targetCDEsToolLabel) self.toolBar.addAction(self.targetCDEsLoadButton) # Add a spacer to the tool bar spacer2 = QWidget() spacer2.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.toolBar.addWidget(spacer2) # Add a separator to the tool bar self.toolBar.addSeparator() # Add the button related to mapping table initialization to the tool bar mappingInitLabel = QLabel("(3). Mapping Initialization:") mappingInitLabel.setStyleSheet("QLabel { font-weight: bold; color: #222222;}") self.initMatchingMethod = QComboBox() icon = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mip_dmp", os.path.join("qt5", "assets", "down_arrow.png") ) self.initMatchingMethod.setStyleSheet( f"QComboBox::down-arrow {{ image: url({icon}); height: 16px; width: 16px; }}" ) self.initMatchingMethod.addItems(["fuzzy", "glove", "chars2vec"]) self.initMatchingMethod.setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 100, 30)) self.toolBar.addWidget(mappingInitLabel) self.toolBar.addWidget(self.initMatchingMethod) self.mappingInitButton = QAction( QIcon( pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mip_dmp", os.path.join("qt5", "assets", "init_mapping.png") ) ), "Initialize Mapping", mainWindow, ) self.toolBar.addAction(self.mappingInitButton) self.matchingVizButton = QAction( QIcon( pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mip_dmp", os.path.join("qt5", "assets", "heatmap_matching.png") ) ), "Visualize Column /CDE Match Distances", mainWindow, ) self.toolBar.addAction(self.matchingVizButton) self.embeddingVizButton = QAction( QIcon( pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mip_dmp", os.path.join("qt5", "assets", "plot_embedding.png") ) ), "Visualize Word Embedding Matches in 3D (Enabled only for GloVe and Chars2Vec methods)", mainWindow, ) self.toolBar.addAction(self.embeddingVizButton) # Add a spacer to the tool bar spacer3 = QWidget() spacer3.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.toolBar.addWidget(spacer3) # Add a separator to the tool bar self.toolBar.addSeparator() # Add the load / save mapping file buttons to the tool bar mappingToolLabel = QLabel("4. Mapping (Load) / Check / Save:") mappingToolLabel.setStyleSheet("QLabel { font-weight: bold; color: #222222;}") self.toolBar.addWidget(mappingToolLabel) self.toolBar.addAction(self.mappingLoadButton) self.toolBar.addAction(self.mappingCheckButton) self.toolBar.addAction(self.mappingSaveButton) # Add a spacer to the tool bar spacer4 = QWidget() spacer4.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.toolBar.addWidget(spacer4) # Add a separator to the tool bar self.toolBar.addSeparator() # Add the map button to the tool bar actionsLabel = QLabel("5. Map:") actionsLabel.setStyleSheet("QLabel { font-weight: bold; color: #222222;}") self.toolBar.addWidget(actionsLabel) self.mapButton = QAction( QIcon( pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mip_dmp", os.path.join("qt5", "assets", "map.png") ) ), "Map", mainWindow, ) self.toolBar.addAction(self.mapButton)
[docs] def createInputDatasetComponents(self, mainWindow): """Create the components of the input dataset group box. Parameters ---------- mainWindow : QMainWindow The main window of the application. """ self.inputDatasetGroupBox = QGroupBox(self.centralwidget) # Set the layout of the group box self.inputDatasetGroupBoxLayout = QGridLayout() # Set the table view self.inputDatasetTableView = QTableView(self.inputDatasetGroupBox) self.inputDatasetTableView.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.inputDatasetTableView.setGeometry(QRect(10, 71, 341, 281)) # Set the form layout with button to load the dataset self.inputDatasetFormLayoutWidget = QWidget(self.inputDatasetGroupBox) self.inputDatasetFormLayoutWidget.setGeometry(QRect(10, 30, 341, 31)) self.inputDatasetFormLayout = QFormLayout(self.inputDatasetFormLayoutWidget) self.inputDatasetFormLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.inputDatasetLoadButton = QAction( QIcon( pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mip_dmp", "qt5/assets/load_dataset.png" ) ), "Load dataset", mainWindow, ) self.inputDatasetLoadButton.setToolTip("Load source dataset (.csv format)") self.inputDatasetPathLabel = QLabel(self.inputDatasetFormLayoutWidget) # Set text of the components self.inputDatasetGroupBox.setTitle( QCoreApplication.translate(f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "Source Dataset", None) ) self.inputDatasetPathLabel.setText( QCoreApplication.translate( f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "<Please load a source dataset file in .csv format...>", None, ) )
[docs] def createTargetCDEsComponents(self, mainWindow): """Create the components of the target CDEs group box. Parameters ---------- mainWindow : QMainWindow The main window of the application. """ self.targetCDEsGroupBox = QGroupBox(self.centralwidget) # Set the layout of the group box self.targetCDEsGroupBoxLayout = QGridLayout() # Set the table view self.targetCDEsTableView = QTableView(self.targetCDEsGroupBox) self.targetCDEsTableView.setGeometry(QRect(10, 70, 341, 101)) self.targetCDEsTableView.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) # Set the form layout with button to load the CDEs file self.targetCDEsFormLayoutWidget = QWidget(self.targetCDEsGroupBox) self.targetCDEsFormLayoutWidget.setGeometry(QRect(10, 30, 341, 31)) self.targetCDEsFormLayout = QFormLayout(self.targetCDEsFormLayoutWidget) self.targetCDEsFormLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.targetCDEsLoadButton = QAction( QIcon( pkg_resources.resource_filename("mip_dmp", "qt5/assets/load_cdes.png") ), "Load CDE file", mainWindow, ) self.targetCDEsLoadButton.setToolTip( "Load CDEs metadata schema file (.xlxs format)" ) self.targetCDEsPathLabel = QLabel(self.targetCDEsFormLayoutWidget) # Set text of the components self.targetCDEsGroupBox.setTitle( QCoreApplication.translate( f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "Target CDEs Metadata Schema", None ) ) self.targetCDEsPathLabel.setText( QCoreApplication.translate( f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "<Please load a CDEs metadata schema file in .xlxs format>", None, ) )
[docs] def createMappingComponents(self, mainWindow): """Create the components of the mapping group box. Parameters ---------- mainWindow : QMainWindow The main window of the application. """ self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox = QGroupBox(self.centralwidget) # Set the layout of the group box self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBoxLayout = QGridLayout() # Set the form to load the mapping file self.mappingFormLayoutWidget = QWidget(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox) self.mappingFormLayoutWidget.setGeometry(QRect(10, 30, 371, 31)) self.mappingFormLayout = QFormLayout(self.mappingFormLayoutWidget) self.mappingFormLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.mappingLoadButton = QAction( QIcon( pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mip_dmp", "qt5/assets/load_mapping.png" ) ), "Load mapping file", mainWindow, ) self.mappingLoadButton.setToolTip( "Load Columns / CDEs mapping file (.json format)" ) self.mappingFilePathLabel = QLabel(self.mappingFormLayoutWidget) # Set the splitter for the mapping table and the new entry form self.columnsCDEsMappingSplitter = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical) self.mappingTableViewWidget = QWidget(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox) self.mappingTableViewLayout = QVBoxLayout() # Set the mapping table self.mappingTableView = QTableView(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox) self.mappingTableView.setGeometry(QRect(10, 70, 371, 231)) self.mappingTableView.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( QHeaderView.Stretch ) self.mappingTableView.horizontalHeader().setVisible(True) self.mappingTableViewAddDeleteRowWidget = QWidget( self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox ) self.mappingTableViewAddDeleteRowLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.mappingTableViewAddRowButton = QPushButton(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox) self.mappingTableViewAddRowButton.setToolTip( "Add a new row to the mapping table" ) self.mappingTableViewAddRowButton.setText( QCoreApplication.translate(f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "Add", None) ) self.mappingTableViewDeleteRowButton = QPushButton( self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox ) self.mappingTableViewDeleteRowButton.setToolTip( "Delete the selected row from the mapping table" ) self.mappingTableViewDeleteRowButton.setText( QCoreApplication.translate(f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "Delete", None) ) # Create group box for entering a new entry to the mapping table self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBox = QGroupBox() # Create a form widget to edit row of mapping table self.createMappingTableRowViewComponents() self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBox.setTitle( QCoreApplication.translate(f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "Mapping Row Editor", None) ) # Create the save button self.mappingSaveButton = QAction( QIcon( pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mip_dmp", "qt5/assets/save_mapping.png" ) ), "Save mapping file", mainWindow, ) self.mappingSaveButton.setToolTip( "Save Columns / CDEs mapping file (.json format)" ) self.mappingCheckButton = QAction( QIcon( pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mip_dmp", "qt5/assets/check_mapping.png" ) ), "Check Columns / CDEs mapping", mainWindow, ) self.mappingCheckButton.setToolTip("Check Columns / CDEs mapping") # Set text of the components self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox.setTitle( QCoreApplication.translate(f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "Columns / CDEs Mapping", None) ) self.mappingFilePathLabel.setText( QCoreApplication.translate( f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "<Please save/ load a Columns / CDEs mapping file in .json format...>", None, ) )
[docs] def createMappingTableRowViewComponents(self): """Create the components of the mapping table row editor group box.""" # Create a form layout for the mapping group box self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBoxLayout = QFormLayout() # Setup the widgets self.mappingRowIndex = QLabel(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox) self.datasetColumn = QLabel(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox) self.cdeCode = QComboBox(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox) icon = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "mip_dmp", os.path.join("qt5", "assets", "down_arrow.png") ) self.cdeCode.setStyleSheet( f"QComboBox::down-arrow {{ image: url({icon}); height: 16px; width: 16px; }}" ) self.cdeType = QLabel(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox) self.transformType = QLabel(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox) self.transform = QLineEdit(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox) self.updateMappingRowButton = QPushButton( "Update row", self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox ) # Add widgets to the form layout self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBoxLayout.addRow( QLabel("Mapping Table Row Index"), self.mappingRowIndex ) self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBoxLayout.addRow( QLabel("Dataset Column"), self.datasetColumn ) self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBoxLayout.addRow( QLabel("CDE Code"), self.cdeCode ) self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBoxLayout.addRow( QLabel("CDE Type"), self.cdeType ) self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBoxLayout.addRow( QLabel("Transform Type"), self.transformType ) self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBoxLayout.addRow( QLabel("Transform"), self.transform ) self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBoxLayout.addRow( QLabel(), self.updateMappingRowButton )
[docs] def adjustWidgetsAndLayouts(self): """Add widgets to the layouts of the UI elements.""" # Handle the splitters self.centralWidgetGridLayout.addWidget(self.centralWidgetSplitter, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.centralWidgetSplitter.addWidget(self.leftCentralWidgetSplitter) self.centralWidgetSplitter.addWidget(self.rightCentralWidgetSplitter) # Handle the widgets of the input dataset group box (top left) self.inputDatasetGroupBox.setLayout(self.inputDatasetGroupBoxLayout) self.inputDatasetGroupBoxLayout.addWidget( self.inputDatasetTableView, 0, 0, 1, 1 ) self.inputDatasetFormLayout.setWidget( 0, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.inputDatasetPathLabel ) self.inputDatasetGroupBoxLayout.addWidget( self.inputDatasetFormLayoutWidget, 1, 0, 1, 1 ) self.leftCentralWidgetSplitter.addWidget(self.inputDatasetGroupBox) # Handle the widgets of the target CDEs group box (bottom left) self.targetCDEsGroupBox.setLayout(self.targetCDEsGroupBoxLayout) self.targetCDEsGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.targetCDEsTableView, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.targetCDEsFormLayout.setWidget( 0, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.targetCDEsPathLabel ) self.targetCDEsGroupBoxLayout.addWidget( self.targetCDEsFormLayoutWidget, 1, 0, 1, 1 ) self.leftCentralWidgetSplitter.addWidget(self.targetCDEsGroupBox) # Handle the widgets of the columns CDEs mapping group box (right) self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox.setLayout(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBoxLayout) self.mappingFormLayout.setWidget( 0, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.mappingFilePathLabel ) self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBoxLayout.addWidget( self.columnsCDEsMappingSplitter, 0, 0, 1, 1 ) self.mappingTableViewWidget.setLayout(self.mappingTableViewLayout) self.mappingTableViewLayout.addWidget(self.mappingTableView) self.mappingTableViewAddDeleteRowWidget.setLayout( self.mappingTableViewAddDeleteRowLayout ) self.mappingTableViewAddDeleteRowLayout.addWidget( self.mappingTableViewAddRowButton ) self.mappingTableViewAddDeleteRowLayout.addWidget( self.mappingTableViewDeleteRowButton ) self.mappingTableViewLayout.addWidget(self.mappingTableViewAddDeleteRowWidget) self.columnsCDEsMappingSplitter.addWidget(self.mappingTableViewWidget) self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBoxLayout.addWidget( self.mappingFormLayoutWidget, 1, 0, 1, 1 ) self.rightCentralWidgetSplitter.addWidget(self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox) self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBox.setLayout( self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBoxLayout ) self.columnsCDEsMappingSplitter.addWidget(self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBox)
[docs] def connectButtons(self): """Connect the buttons to their corresponding functions.""" self.inputDatasetLoadButton.triggered.connect(self.loadInputDataset) self.targetCDEsLoadButton.triggered.connect(self.loadCDEsFile) self.mappingInitButton.triggered.connect(self.mappingMatch) self.mappingLoadButton.triggered.connect(self.loadMapping) self.mappingCheckButton.triggered.connect(self.checkMapping) self.mappingSaveButton.triggered.connect(self.saveMapping) self.mapButton.triggered.connect( self.updateMappingRowButton.clicked.connect(self.updateMappingTableRow) self.mappingTableViewAddRowButton.clicked.connect(self.addMappingTableRow) self.mappingTableViewDeleteRowButton.clicked.connect(self.deleteMappingTableRow) self.embeddingVizButton.triggered.connect(self.embeddingViz) self.matchingVizButton.triggered.connect(self.matchingViz)
[docs] def embeddingViz(self): """Open the embedding visualization window.""" self.embeddingWidget = WordEmbeddingVisualizationWidget() print( "Launch visualization widget with matching method: " f"{self.initMatchingMethod.currentText()}" ) if self.initMatchingMethod.currentText() != "fuzzy": self.embeddingWidget.set_wordcombobox_items(self.inputDatasetColumns) self.embeddingWidget.set_embeddings( self.inputDatasetColumnEmbeddings, self.inputDatasetColumns, self.targetCDEsEmbeddings, list(self.targetCDEs["code"].unique()), self.matchedCdeCodes, self.initMatchingMethod.currentText(), ) self.embeddingWidget.generate_embedding_figure() else: QMessageBox().warning( None, "Warning", "Embedding visualization is not available for fuzzy matching.", )
[docs] def matchingViz(self): """Open the matching visualization window.""" self.matchingWidget = MatchingVisualizationWidget( self.inputDatasetColumns, self.targetCDEs["code"].unique().tolist(), self.matchedCdeCodes, self.initMatchingMethod.currentText(), None, ) self.matchingWidget.set_wordcombobox_items(self.inputDatasetColumns) print( "Launch matching visualization widget " f"(matching method: {self.initMatchingMethod.currentText()})" ) self.matchingWidget.generate_heatmap_figure()
[docs] def addMappingTableRow(self): """Add a row to the mapping table.""" # Show a dialog to enter the dataset column name # it is given the choice to select from the list of dataset columns. # If the user selects a column name from the list, the CDE code is # automatically filled in with the best match. datasetColumn, ok = QInputDialog().getItem( None, "Select dataset column to add to the mapping table", "Dataset column:", self.inputDatasetColumns, 0, False, ) if ok and datasetColumn is not None and datasetColumn != "": if self.matchedCdeCodes: # Get the fuzzy matches list for the dataset column # and set the CDE code and type to the first match columnMatches = self.matchedCdeCodes[datasetColumn]["words"] else: # If the matchedCdeCodes dictionary is empty, then the user # has not yet initialized the mapping with fuzzy matching, and # we propose the full list of CDEs ordered by fuzzy match columnMatches = match_column_to_cdes(datasetColumn, self.targetCDEs) cdeCode = columnMatches[0] cdeType = self.targetCDEs[self.targetCDEs["code"] == cdeCode][ "type" ].unique()[0] if cdeType == "real" or cdeType == "integer": transformType = "scale" transform = "1.0" else: transformType = "map" transform = '{ "X": "Y", "Y": "X" }' newRow = { "dataset_column": datasetColumn, "cde_code": cdeCode, "cde_type": cdeType, "transform_type": transformType, "transform": transform, } # Use the loc method to add the new row to the DataFrame self.columnsCDEsMappingData.loc[len(self.columnsCDEsMappingData)] = newRow # Update the table self.mappingTableView.model().layoutChanged.emit() successMsg = ( "New row for dataset column '{}' added to the mapping table!".format( datasetColumn ) ) QMessageBox.information(None, "Success", successMsg) self.statusbar.showMessage(successMsg) self.statusbar.repaint() else: warnMsg = "No dataset column selected!" QMessageBox.warning(None, "Warning", warnMsg) self.statusbar.showMessage(warnMsg) self.statusbar.repaint()
[docs] def deleteMappingTableRow(self): """Delete the selected row from the mapping table.""" # Get the selected row index index = self.mappingTableView.selectedIndexes()[0] # Delete the row from the DataFrame self.columnsCDEsMappingData.drop(index=index.row(), inplace=True) self.columnsCDEsMappingData.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # Update the table self.mappingTableView.model().layoutChanged.emit() successMsg = "Row {} deleted from the mapping table!".format(index.row()) QMessageBox.information(None, "Success", successMsg) self.statusbar.showMessage(successMsg) self.statusbar.repaint()
[docs] def initializeMappingEditForm(self, index): """Initialize the mapping row editor form with the data of the selected row. Parameters ---------- index : QModelIndex The index of the selected row in the mapping table. """ # Get the data for the current row and update the widgets in the form rowData = self.columnsCDEsMappingData.iloc[index.row(), :] self.mappingRowIndex.setText(str(index.row())) self.datasetColumn.setText(str(rowData["dataset_column"])) if self.matchedCdeCodes: columnMatches = self.matchedCdeCodes[rowData["dataset_column"]]["words"] else: columnMatches = self.targetCDEs["code"].unique().tolist() self.cdeCode.clear() self.cdeCode.addItems(columnMatches) ind = columnMatches.index(rowData["cde_code"]) self.cdeCode.setCurrentIndex(ind) cdeType = self.targetCDEs[self.targetCDEs["code"] == columnMatches[ind]][ "type" ].unique()[0] self.cdeType.setText(cdeType) if cdeType == "real" or cdeType == "integer": self.transformType.setText("scale") self.transform.setText(str(rowData["transform"])) else: self.transformType.setText("map") self.transform.setText(str(rowData["transform"]))
[docs] def updateMappingEditForm(self, index): """Update the mapping table row form for a given index. Parameters ---------- index : QModelIndex The index of the selected row to be updated in the mapping table. """ # Get the data for the current row and update the widgets in the form rowIndex = int(self.mappingRowIndex.text()) rowData = self.columnsCDEsMappingData.iloc[rowIndex, :] if self.matchedCdeCodes: columnMatches = self.matchedCdeCodes[rowData["dataset_column"]]["words"] else: columnMatches = self.targetCDEs["code"].unique().tolist() cdeType = self.targetCDEs[self.targetCDEs["code"] == columnMatches[index]][ "type" ].unique()[0] self.cdeType.setText(str(cdeType)) if cdeType == "real" or cdeType == "integer": if self.cdeCode.currentText() == rowData["cde_code"]: self.transformType.setText("scale") self.transform.setText(str(rowData["transform"])) else: self.transformType.setText("scale") self.transform.setText("1.0") else: if self.cdeCode.currentText() == rowData["cde_code"]: self.transformType.setText("map") self.transform.setText(str(rowData["transform"])) else: self.transformType.setText("map") self.transform.setText('{ "X": "Y", "Y": "X" }')
[docs] def updateMappingTableRow(self): """Update the selected row of the mapping table with the data of the form.""" # Get the data from the form rowIndex = int(self.mappingRowIndex.text()) datasetColumn = self.datasetColumn.text() cdeCode = self.cdeCode.currentText() cdeType = self.cdeType.text() transformType = self.transformType.text() transform = self.transform.text() # Update the data in the table self.columnsCDEsMappingData.iloc[rowIndex, :] = [ datasetColumn, cdeCode, cdeType, transformType, transform, ] # Update the table self.mappingTableView.model().layoutChanged.emit()
[docs] def loadInputDataset(self): """Load the input dataset.""" self.inputDatasetPath = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( None, "Select the input dataset", "", "CSV files (*.csv)" ) self.inputDatasetPathLabel.setText(self.inputDatasetPath[0]) if not os.path.exists(self.inputDatasetPath[0]): self.inputDatasetPathLabel.setText( QCoreApplication.translate( f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "<Please load a CSV file...>", None ) ) errMsg = ( f"The input dataset file {self.inputDatasetPath[0]} does not exist. " "Please select a valid file!" ) QMessageBox.warning( None, "Error", errMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(errMsg) self.disableMappingMapButtons() self.disableMappingComponents() else: self.inputDataset = pd.read_csv(self.inputDatasetPath[0]) self.inputDatasetColumns = self.inputDataset.columns.tolist() self.inputDatasetPandasModel = PandasTableModel(self.inputDataset) self.inputDatasetTableView.setModel(self.inputDatasetPandasModel) self.updateStatusbar(f"Loaded input dataset {self.inputDatasetPath[0]}") if hasattr(self, "targetCDEsPath") and os.path.exists( self.targetCDEsPath[0] ): self.initMapping() self.enableMappingButtons() self.enableMappingInitItems() self.enableMappingComponents() else: self.disableMappingMapButtons() self.disableMappingInitItems() self.disableMappingComponents()
[docs] def loadCDEsFile(self): """Load the CDEs file.""" self.targetCDEsPath = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( None, "Select the CDEs file", "", "Excel files (*.xlsx)" ) self.targetCDEsPathLabel.setText(self.targetCDEsPath[0]) if not os.path.exists(self.targetCDEsPath[0]): self.targetCDEsPathLabel.setText( QCoreApplication.translate( f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "<Please load a CDEs file in .xlxs>", None ) ) errMsg = ( f"The CDEs file {self.targetCDEsPath[0]} does not exist. " "Please select a valid file!" ) QMessageBox.warning( None, "Error", errMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(errMsg) self.disableMappingMapButtons() self.disableMappingComponents() else: self.targetCDEs = pd.read_excel(self.targetCDEsPath[0]) self.targetCDEsPandasModel = PandasTableModel(self.targetCDEs) self.targetCDEsTableView.setModel(self.targetCDEsPandasModel) successMsg = f"Loaded CDEs file {self.targetCDEsPath[0]}" self.updateStatusbar(successMsg) if hasattr(self, "inputDatasetPath") and os.path.exists( self.inputDatasetPath[0] ): self.initMapping() self.enableMappingInitItems() self.enableMappingButtons() self.enableMappingComponents() else: self.disableMappingMapButtons() self.disableMappingInitItems() self.disableMappingComponents()
[docs] def loadMapping(self): """Load the mapping file.""" self.mappingFilePath = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( None, "Select the mapping file", "", "JSON files (*.json)" ) self.mappingFilePathLabel.setText(self.mappingFilePath[0]) if not os.path.exists(self.mappingFilePath[0]): self.mappingFilePathLabel.setText( QCoreApplication.translate( f"{WINDOW_NAME}", "<Please load an existing mapping json file...>", None, ) ) errMsg = ( f"The mapping file {self.mappingFilePath[0]} does not exist. " "Please select a valid file!" ) QMessageBox.warning( None, "Error", errMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(errMsg) self.disableMappingMapButtons() else: try: # Load the mapping table file in JSON format self.columnsCDEsMappingData = load_mapping_json(self.mappingFilePath[0]) print(f"Mapping loaded from {self.mappingFilePath[0]}") # Create a pandas model for the mapping table self.columnsCDEsMappingPandasModel = PandasTableModel( self.columnsCDEsMappingData ) # Set the model of the table view to the pandas model self.mappingTableView.setModel(self.columnsCDEsMappingPandasModel) self.mappingTableView.setSelectionBehavior( self.mappingTableView.SelectRows ) self.mappingTableView.setSelectionMode( self.mappingTableView.SingleSelection ) self.mappingTableView.setEditTriggers( self.mappingTableView.NoEditTriggers ) # disable editing # Handle the mapping table view row selection changed signal self.mappingTableView.selectionModel().currentRowChanged.connect( self.initializeMappingEditForm ) # Select the first row of the mapping table view at the beginning indexRow = 0 self.mappingTableView.selectRow(indexRow) # Handle the combox box current index changed signal for the CDE code column self.cdeCode.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.updateMappingEditForm) # Display a success message successMsg = ( f"Loaded mapping file {self.mappingFilePath[0]}. \n" "Please Check the mapping, Save it and Click on the " "Map button to map the input dataset." ) QMessageBox.information( None, "Success", successMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(successMsg) except ValueError as e: # Display an error message errMsg = ( f"The mapping file {self.mappingFilePath[0]} is not valid: {repr(e)} \n" "Please select a valid file! " ) QMessageBox.warning( None, "Error", errMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(errMsg) self.disableMappingMapButtons() self.enableMappingButtons()
[docs] def saveMapping(self): """Save the mapping file.""" self.mappingFilePath = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( None, "Select the mapping file", "", "JSON files (*.json)" ) path = Path(self.mappingFilePath[0]) if path.suffix != ".json": errMsg = ( f"The mapping file {self.mappingFilePath[0]} does not have a .json extension. " "Please select a valid file!" ) QMessageBox.warning( None, "Error", errMsg, ) return # Create the directories if they do not exist os.makedirs(path.parent, exist_ok=True) # Convert the mapping data frame to a json file self.columnsCDEsMappingData.to_json( self.mappingFilePath[0], orient="records", indent=4 ) print(f"Mapping saved to {self.mappingFilePath[0]}") self.mappingFilePathLabel.setText(self.mappingFilePath[0]) successMsg = f"Mapping saved to {self.mappingFilePath[0]}!" QMessageBox.information( None, "Success", successMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(successMsg) self.mapButton.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def disableMappingMapButtons(self): """Disable the check / save / load mapping and map buttons.""" self.mappingCheckButton.setEnabled(False) self.mappingSaveButton.setEnabled(False) self.mappingLoadButton.setEnabled(False) self.mapButton.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def disableMappingInitItems(self): """Disable the mapping initialization items.""" self.mappingInitButton.setEnabled(False) self.initMatchingMethod.setEnabled(False) self.embeddingVizButton.setEnabled(False) self.matchingVizButton.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def enableMappingInitItems(self): """Enable the mapping initialization items.""" self.mappingInitButton.setEnabled(True) self.initMatchingMethod.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def enableMappingButtons(self): """Enable the check / save / load mapping and map buttons.""" self.mappingCheckButton.setEnabled(True) # self.mappingSaveButton.setEnabled(True) self.mappingLoadButton.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def disableMappingComponents(self): """Disable the mapping components.""" self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox.setEnabled(False) self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBox.setEnabled(False) self.mappingFilePathLabel.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def enableMappingComponents(self): """Enable the mapping components.""" self.columnsCDEsMappingGroupBox.setEnabled(True) self.mappingTableRowUpdateGroupBox.setEnabled(True) self.mappingFilePathLabel.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def checkMapping(self): """Check the content of the mapping table. This function checks if: * The mapping table contains unique mapping to a specific CDE code. * The mapping contains only valid CDE codes. * The mapping transform is correctly formatted. """ # Check if the mapping table contains unique mapping to a specific CDE code if len(self.columnsCDEsMappingData["cde_code"].unique()) != len( self.columnsCDEsMappingData["cde_code"] ): errMsg = ( "The mapping is not valid. " "Please check it and remove any mapping row " "that might map multiple columns of the input dataset " "to the same CDE code!" ) QMessageBox.warning( None, "Error: Duplicated mapped CDE code", errMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(errMsg) self.disableMappingMapButtons() return # Check if the mapping table contains unique mapping of a column of the input dataset # COMMENTED - Otherwise, this would not allow to map a column of the input dataset # to the different CDE codes. # UNCOMMENT IF NEEDED # if len(self.columnsCDEsMappingData["dataset_column"].unique()) != len( # self.columnsCDEsMappingData["dataset_column"] # ): # errMsg = ( # "The mapping is not valid. " # "Please check it and remove any mapping row(s) " # "that might map the same column(s) of " # "the source dataset to multiple CDE codes!" # ) # QMessageBox.warning( # None, # "Error: Duplicate Column / CDEs Pairs", # errMsg, # ) # self.updateStatusbar(errMsg) # self.disableMappingMapButtons() # return # Check if the mapping contains only valid CDE codes if self.columnsCDEsMappingData[ self.columnsCDEsMappingData["cde_code"].isin(self.targetCDEs["code"]) ].empty: errMsg = ( "The mapping is not valid. " "Please check it and remove any invalid CDE code!" ) QMessageBox.warning( None, "Error: Invalid CDE Codes", errMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(errMsg) self.disableMappingMapButtons() return # Check if the mapping transform is correctly formatted transformList = self.columnsCDEsMappingData["transform"].tolist() def is_invalid_map_transform(transform): """Check if the transform is an invalid map transform. We expect the transform to be a valid Python dictionary or a valid Python literal. If it is not, it is invalid. Parameters ---------- transform : str The transform to check. """ try: ast.literal_eval(f"{transform}") return False except ValueError: return True isInvalidTransformList = list(map(is_invalid_map_transform, transformList)) if any(isInvalidTransformList): df_invalidtransform_with_index = pd.DataFrame( { "transform": [ transformList[i] for i in range(len(transformList)) if isInvalidTransformList[i] ], "mapping_row": [ i + 1 for i in range(len(transformList)) if isInvalidTransformList[i] ], } ) errMsg = ( "The mapping is not valid. " "Please check it and correct " "any invalid transform!" f" (invalid transforms: {df_invalidtransform_with_index})" ) QMessageBox.warning( None, "Error: Invalid Transform", errMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(errMsg) self.disableMappingMapButtons() return # If the mapping is valid, display a success message successMsg = ( "The mapping is valid! " "You can now save it and use it to map the source dataset." ) QMessageBox.information( None, "Success", successMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(successMsg) self.mappingSaveButton.setEnabled(True) self.mapButton.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def initMapping(self): """Initialize an empty column/CDEs mapping table.""" infoMsg = ( "The empty mapping table is being created. " "Please wait until the process is finished." ) self.updateStatusbar(infoMsg) # Create a first empty mapping table self.matchedCdeCodes = None self.columnsCDEsMappingData = pd.DataFrame(columns=MAPPING_TABLE_COLUMNS) # Create a pandas model for the mapping table self.columnsCDEsMappingPandasModel = PandasTableModel( self.columnsCDEsMappingData ) # Set the model of the table view to the pandas model self.mappingTableView.setModel(self.columnsCDEsMappingPandasModel) self.mappingTableView.setSelectionBehavior(self.mappingTableView.SelectRows) self.mappingTableView.setSelectionMode(self.mappingTableView.SingleSelection) self.mappingTableView.setEditTriggers( self.mappingTableView.NoEditTriggers ) # disable editing # Handle the mapping table view row selection changed signal self.mappingTableView.selectionModel().currentRowChanged.connect( self.initializeMappingEditForm ) # Select the first row of the mapping table view at the beginning indexRow = 0 self.mappingTableView.selectRow(indexRow) # Handle the combox box current index changed signal for the CDE code column self.cdeCode.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.updateMappingEditForm) # Show status message infoMsg = ( "The mapping has been created. You can now edit, validate, and save it!" ) self.updateStatusbar(infoMsg)
[docs] def mappingMatch(self): """Initialize the column/CDEs mapping based on fuzzy word matching and character embedding methods.""" matchingMethod = self.initMatchingMethod.currentText() infoMsg = ( f"The mapping is being initialize using the {matchingMethod} method." "Please wait until the process is finished." ) self.updateStatusbar(infoMsg) # Create a first mapping table based on fuzzy matching ( self.columnsCDEsMappingData, self.matchedCdeCodes, self.inputDatasetColumnEmbeddings, self.targetCDEsEmbeddings, ) = match_columns_to_cdes( dataset=self.inputDataset, schema=self.targetCDEs, nb_kept_matches=NB_KEPT_MATCHES, matching_method=matchingMethod, ) # Create a pandas model for the mapping table self.columnsCDEsMappingPandasModel = PandasTableModel( self.columnsCDEsMappingData ) # Set the model of the table view to the pandas model self.mappingTableView.setModel(self.columnsCDEsMappingPandasModel) self.mappingTableView.setSelectionBehavior(self.mappingTableView.SelectRows) self.mappingTableView.setSelectionMode(self.mappingTableView.SingleSelection) self.mappingTableView.setEditTriggers( self.mappingTableView.NoEditTriggers ) # disable editing # Handle the mapping table view row selection changed signal self.mappingTableView.selectionModel().currentRowChanged.connect( self.initializeMappingEditForm ) # Select the first row of the mapping table view at the beginning indexRow = 0 self.mappingTableView.selectRow(indexRow) # Handle the combox box current index changed signal for the CDE code column self.cdeCode.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.updateMappingEditForm) # Show status message infoMsg = "The mapping has been created. You can now edit, check, and save it!" self.updateStatusbar(infoMsg) self.enableMappingButtons() if matchingMethod != "fuzzy": self.embeddingVizButton.setEnabled(True) else: self.embeddingVizButton.setEnabled(False) self.matchingVizButton.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def selectOutputFilename(self): """Select the output filename.""" self.outputFilename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( None, "Select the output filename", "", "CSV files (*.csv)" ) if self.outputFilename[0] == "": errMsg = "Please select a valid output filename." QMessageBox.warning( None, "Error", errMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(errMsg) return False if not self.outputFilename[0].endswith(".csv"): self.outputFilename = self.outputFilename[0] + ".csv" successMsg = ( "The output filename has been updated to: " + self.outputFilename + "." ) QMessageBox.information( None, successMsg, ) self.updateStatusbar(successMsg) return True
[docs] def updateStatusbar(self, message): """Update the statusbar with the given message.""" self.statusbar.showMessage(message) self.statusbar.repaint()
[docs] def map(self): """Map the input dataset to the target CDEs.""" select = self.selectOutputFilename() # Exit function if the output filename is not properly set if not select: return # Check if the input dataset and the mapping file are loaded if not os.path.exists(self.inputDatasetPathLabel.text()): warn_msg = "Please load the input dataset!" QMessageBox.warning( None, "Warning", warn_msg, QMessageBox.Ok, ) self.updateStatusbar(warn_msg) return if not os.path.exists(self.mappingFilePathLabel.text()): warn_msg = "Please save the mapping file of load an existing one!" QMessageBox.warning( None, "Warning", warn_msg, QMessageBox.Ok, ) self.updateStatusbar(warn_msg) return # Proceed with the mapping self.mapButton.setEnabled(False) self.updateStatusbar("Mapping in progress...") # Load the input dataset input_dataset = pd.read_csv(self.inputDatasetPathLabel.text()) # Load the mapping file with open(self.mappingFilePathLabel.text(), "r") as f: mapping = json.load(f) # Map the input dataset to the target CDEs output_dataset = map_dataset( input_dataset, mapping, self.targetCDEs["code"].tolist() ) # Save the output dataset output_dataset.to_csv( self.outputFilename[0], index=False, ) # Show a message box to inform the user that the mapping has # been done successfully successMsg = ( "The mapping has been done successfully and " "the output dataset has been saved to: " + self.outputFilename[0] + "." ) QMessageBox.information( None, "Success", successMsg, QMessageBox.Ok, ) self.updateStatusbar(successMsg) self.mapButton.setEnabled(True)