Source code for mip_dmp.plot.embedding

# Copyright 2023 The HIP team, University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), Switzerland & Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Module to plot the embeddings of the column names and CDE codes."""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from mip_dmp.process.embedding import generate_embeddings, reduce_embeddings_dimension

# Define colors used to plot the column and CDE code embeddings
# '#4fa08b' green / '#009E73' green / '#0072B2' blue / '#FFA500' orange
COLORS = ["#0072B2", "#FFA500"]
# Set seaborn style
        "axes.facecolor": "#081512",
        "figure.facecolor": "#081512",
        "text.color": "white",
        "axes.edgecolor": "white",
        "patch.edgecolor": "#081512",
        "xtick.color": "white",
        "ytick.color": "white",
        "axes.labelcolor": "white",
        "grid.color": "#4fa08b",
        "axes3d.xaxis.panecolor": "#081512",
        "axes3d.yaxis.panecolor": "#081512",
        "axes3d.zaxis.panecolor": "#081512",

[docs]def scatterplot_embeddings( fig: plt.Figure, embeddings: dict, matchedCdeCodes: dict, selectedColumnName: str ): """Plot the embeddings of the selected column name and CDE codes in a 3D scatter plot. fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure to render the 3D scatter plot of the embeddings. embeddings: dict Dictionary of embeddings in the form:: { "x": [5, ..., 2], "y": [0.5, ..., 0.2], "z": [0.5, ..., 0.2], "label": ["word1", ..., "wordN"], "type": ["cde", ..., "column"] } where `x`, `y` and `z` are the lists of the x, y and z coordinates of the embeddings, `label` is the list of the labels of the embeddings and `type` is the list of the types of the embeddings (can be "column" or "cde"). matchedCdeCodes: dict Dictionary of the matched CDE codes in the form:: { "input_dataset_column1": { "words": ["cde_code1", "cde_code2", ...], "embeddings": [embedding_vector1, embedding_vector2, ...] "distances": [distance1, distance2, ...] }, "input_dataset_column2": { "words": ["cde_code1", "cde_code2", ...], "embeddings": [embedding_vector1, embedding_vector2, ...] "distances": [distance1, distance2, ...] }, ... } selectedColumnName: str Name of the selected column. """ print("> Generate scatterplot...") # Get the words for which their embeddings have been matched to column name selected_column_matches = matchedCdeCodes[selectedColumnName]["words"] # Generate filtered list of embeddings filtered_embeddings = {} for key in embeddings.keys(): filtered_embeddings[key] = [ embeddings[key][i] for i, t in enumerate(embeddings["type"]) if t == "cde" and embeddings["label"][i] in selected_column_matches ] + [ embeddings[key][i] for i, t in enumerate(embeddings["type"]) if t == "column" and embeddings["label"][i] == selectedColumnName ] # Determine a scaled dynamic jittering for the scatter plot based on # the dynamic range of the data in the given dimension def rand_jitter(arr, scale=0.3): """Return random noise for jittering.""" stdev = scale * (max(arr) - min(arr)) return stdev stdev_x = rand_jitter(filtered_embeddings["x"]) stdev_y = rand_jitter(filtered_embeddings["y"]) stdev_z = rand_jitter(filtered_embeddings["z"]) # Format data as pandas dataframe for plotting df = pd.DataFrame( { "x": filtered_embeddings["x"], "y": filtered_embeddings["y"], "z": filtered_embeddings["z"], "label": filtered_embeddings["label"], "type": filtered_embeddings["type"], } ) # Create a scatter plot with different colors for each group ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") artists = {} annotation_texts = {} for t, color in zip(df["type"].unique(), COLORS): artists[t] = ax.scatter( df.loc[df["type"] == t, "x"], df.loc[df["type"] == t, "y"], df.loc[df["type"] == t, "z"], color=color, label=t, picker=True, alpha=0.5, s=50, ) annotation_texts[t] = [] # Set labels and show legend ax.set_xlabel("X") ax.set_ylabel("Y") ax.set_zlabel("Z") ax.legend() # Define a function to handle PickEvent-type events on the scatterplot def pick_event_method(event): """Define a function to pick event on the scatter plot (artist).""" def handle_annotations(artist, indices): """Add text annotations to closest point of the cursor when the mouse button was pressed.""" # Get the type of the artist that can be "cde" or "column" artist_type = None for k in artists.keys(): if artist == artists[k]: artist_type = k # If the artist type is not defined yet, return if artist_type is None: return # Get the dataframe of the artist type ("cde" or "column") artist_df = df[df["type"] == artist_type] # For each index of the artist for ind in indices: # Get the coordinates of the mouse click points_x, points_y, points_z = artist._offsets3d (x, y, z) = ( points_x[ind].__float__(), points_y[ind].__float__(), points_z[ind].__float__(), ) # Find the closest point in the dataframe idx = ( (artist_df["x"] - x) ** 2 + (artist_df["y"] - y) ** 2 + (artist_df["z"] - z) ** 2 ).idxmin() # Get the corresponding label text = f"{artist_df.loc[idx, 'label']}" # print( # f"Mouse click at ({x}, {y}, {z}) for label {text} ({artist_type})" # ) # Handle the removal of the annotation if it already exists and is clicked again abord = False for annotation in ax.texts: annotation_text = annotation.get_text() if (annotation_text == text) and ( text in annotation_texts[artist_type] ): annotation.remove() annotation_texts[artist_type].remove(text) abord = True if abord: return # Add a random jittering to the coordinates of the annotation for the "column" type. # Useful to avoid overlapping of the annotations when the points are overlapping. if artist_type == "column": stdev = np.min([stdev_x, stdev_y, stdev_z]) np.random.seed(42) x += np.random.randn() * stdev y += np.random.randn() * stdev z += np.random.randn() * stdev # print(f"Text shown at ({x}, {y}, {z}) for label {text}") # Add the annotation to the plot with the selected color based on type ax.text( x, y, z, text, fontsize=10, color=COLORS[1] if artist_type == "column" else COLORS[0], backgroundcolor="#081512", fontweight="bold", ) # Add the annotation to the list of annotations annotation_texts[artist_type].append(text) # Get the coordinates of the point clicked handle_annotations(event.artist, event.ind) # redraw the canvas fig.canvas.draw() # Connect the pick_event_method function to the figure fig.canvas.mpl_connect("pick_event", pick_event_method) # Return the figure return fig