Flow in MIP Local

MIP Local is installed in participating hospitals and used to collect clinical data provided by the hospital. Only patients with consent are selected, and no data ever leaves the hospital premises.

Flow of data in MIP Local installed at a hospital

graph BT subgraph Clinical data or research cohorts in_ehr(EHR database) in_pacs(PACS) end subgraph Data Capture subgraph Anonymiser dc_anon_ehr>Depersonalisation of EHR data] dc_anon_mri>Depersonalisation of MRI scans] end end subgraph Data Factory subgraph Workflow engine airflow_mri_preprocessing>MRI pre-processing] --> airflow_feature_extraction>Feature Extraction] airflow_ehr_version>Versioning] --> airflow_ehr_harmonise>Harmonisation] end df_i2b2(I2B2 database) airflow_feature_extraction --> df_i2b2 airflow_ehr_harmonise --> df_i2b2 end subgraph Algorithm Factory hd_features(Features database) --- af_worker(Algorithms) end in_ehr -->|Patients with consent| dc_anon_ehr in_pacs -->|Patients with consent| dc_anon_mri dc_anon_ehr --> airflow_ehr_version dc_anon_mri --> airflow_mri_preprocessing df_i2b2 --> hd_features