Flow in MIP Federation

MIP Federated brings together several hospitals and clinical data centers to build a Federation.

Data are collected at each hospital (clinical data) or clinical data centers (research data), then a user of MIP can query and do machine learning or statistical analyses but with the strong imperative that only data aggregates are exchanged between the hospital or data centers and the central node hosting the user-facing web site.

Flow of data in MIP Federation

graph BT subgraph Hospital #1 databases in_data(EHR database, PACS) end subgraph MIP Local at Hospital #1 subgraph Data Capture dc_anon>Depersonalisation] end subgraph Data Factory df_preprocessing>Pre-processing, feature extraction] end subgraph Algorithm Factory and Local database hd_af(Features database and algorithms) end end in_data -->|Patients with consent| dc_anon dc_anon --> df_preprocessing df_preprocessing -->hd_af subgraph Hospital #2 databases in2_data(EHR database, PACS) end subgraph MIP Local at Hospital #2 subgraph Data Capture dc2_anon>Depersonalisation] end subgraph Data Factory df2_preprocessing>Pre-processing, feature extraction] end subgraph Algorithm Factory and Local database hd2_af(Features database and algorithms) end end in2_data -->|Patients with consent| dc2_anon dc2_anon --> df2_preprocessing df2_preprocessing --> hd2_af subgraph Central node inc_data(Research cohorts) end subgraph MIP Local on central node subgraph Data Capture dcc_anon>Depersonalisation] end subgraph Data Factory dfc_preprocessing>Pre-processing, feature extraction] end subgraph Algorithm Factory and Local database hdc_af(Features database and algorithms) end end inc_data -->|Subjects with consent| dcc_anon dcc_anon --> dfc_preprocessing dfc_preprocessing --> hdc_af subgraph Federation layer web(Web analysis) dist_soft(Distributed database and algorithms) web --- dist_soft end hd_af -->|Aggregates|dist_soft hd2_af -->|Aggregates|dist_soft hdc_af -->|Aggregates|dist_soft user((User)) --- web