Software maturity and Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs)
Technology Readiness Level
Expected Properties
TRL 1 - Project Initiation
- Project owner identified
- Project principles and high-level objectives defined
- Use case definitions (includes target users and activities)
TRL 2 - Conceptualization
- Analytic study of the problem space
- Identify key functions which must be validated in Component Implementation
- Formulate validation criteria for critical components
- Formulate validation criteria of complete prototype system
- Prototype Epic planning
TRL 3 - PoC Implementation
- Implementations of key functions
- Validation of critical concepts
- Identification of additional validation criteria for TRL4
TRL 4 - Prototype Component
- Validation of prototype components in Lab
- PoC has become prototype components
- System technology selection has been made
- Load testing of components under key load criteria
- Identification of additional validation criteria for TRL5
TRL 5 - Prototype Integration
- Validation of integrated system in a real-world environment
- Tested in restricted environment with a small number of real users
- Data formats specified
- Identification of additional validation criteria for TRL6
TRL 6 - Prototype-to-Real-world Integration
- Validation of integrated system in a real-world environment
- Load testing of integrated system under expected load
- Tested in a real-world environment with a small number of real users
- Initial System documentation
- Initial User documentation
- System monitoring points specified (for services)
- Identification of additional validation criteria for TRL7
TRL 7 - Operational Integration
- Validation of integrated system in a real-world environment
- Tested in a real-world environment with a small number of real users (canary testing for SoA)
- System monitoring implemented (for services)
- No expected data format or API changes (for services or software components)
- Load testing of integrated system under expected load
- SLA monitored (for services)
TRL 8 - Deployment
- Validation of integrated system in a real-world environment
- Tested in a real-world environment with a small number of real users
- SLA enforced (for services)
TRL 9 - Production
- Validation of integrated system in a real-world environment
- Tested in a real-world environment with a target number of real users